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Chimney Sweeping In Holmeson

Chimney Service Near Me: The Different Types of Chimney Services Available in Holmeson, NJ

When you search for “chimney service near me,” you may be simply looking for someone to clean all that soot out of your fireplace and chimney. However, there are many more aspects of chimney and fireplace maintenance for you to consider. At Apex Air Duct Cleaning and Chimney Services, we offer a variety of services related to the maintenance of the chimneys, fireplaces, air ducts, and dryer vents in Holmeson, NJ. Here is some general information on the types of services we offer to help you decide what you might need for your home.

Chimney Cleaning

Chimney sweeping in Holmeson, NJ is very important; it is essential to keep your chimney clean in any location, for that matter! Over time, the smoke from fire can cause a buildup of creosote in the chimney flue, which is a substance that is extremely combustible and can cause chimney fires. You should consider calling us at Apex Air Duct Cleaning and Chimney Services to come to your home in Monmouth because we have the tools and the expertise to make sure your chimney is clean and safe! Furthermore, at Apex Air Duct Cleaning and Chimney Services, we use vacuums and large drop cloths to protect the rest of your home from dirt, dust, and soot while we are cleaning your chimney.

Chimney Repairs

You may also need someone to repair or replace certain parts of your chimney. You might need tiles replaced or cracks repaired in the lining of the flue, or for someone to repair or rebuild an exterior piece of the chimney, such as the crown (a slab of concrete that sits on top of the chimney) or the cap (a cage-like structure that sits on top of the crown to prevent rain and other debris from going down your chimney). At Apex Air Duct Cleaning and Chimney Services, we do all these things and more; contact us today and we will be at your Monmouth home soon to accomplish these repairs in a timely manner. Furthermore, we offer inspection services to pinpoint exactly what kind of repairs your chimney needs.

Fireplace Cleaning

Having a clean fireplace is just as important as having a clean chimney. The Chimney Safety Institute of America says that your fireplace needs to be cleaned when there is 1/8” buildup of soot. Having a clean fireplace is essential to keeping the buildup of creosote in your chimney to a minimum, and therefore, keeping your home comfortable and safe. You might be able to accomplish a standard fireplace cleaning on your own, but if you want the assurance of having a certified professional do the job, just give us a call!

Fireplace Repairs

You might need to make repairs to your fireplace like your chimney. If there are cracks in the bricks or panels lining the hearth of your fireplace, it is time to make some repairs or replacements. You might also need to repair or replace other pieces of your fireplace, such as the doors or the grate. You might not even know what repairs are necessary, like with your chimney. Apex Air Duct Cleaning and Chimney Services is proud to provide both chimney and fireplace repair services and to help you figure out exactly what you need for your Monmouth home.

Air Duct Cleaning

Apex Air Duct Cleaning and Chimney Services offers services beyond the maintenance of your fireplace and chimney. We recommend that you have the air ducts in your home cleaned by a professional every three years. Keeping your air ducts clean keeps them working efficiently which can help you save energy. Furthermore, the job of air ducts is to circulate and filter the air in a building. Therefore, having efficient air ducts will help keep the air in your home clean and keep the members of your family healthy. If you are unsure about the state of your air ducts or cannot remember when you last had them cleaned, feel free to call us at Apex Air Duct Cleaning and Chimney Services for an inspection.

Dryer Vent Cleaning

One more of our services is dryer vent cleaning. Over time, lint will build up in your dryer vent, and cleaning out the lint filter every time you use your dryer will not solve this problem. Once the buildup is great enough, it is possible for it to overheat and ignite. The only way to prevent a fire in your dryer vent is to have it cleaned routinely. You should clean or inspect your dryer vent at least once a year or hire a professional to do it. If there are more people in your household and you use your dryer more often, you may need to clean your dryer vent more frequently.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask!

Maybe you are searching for “chimney service near me” on the internet because you are at a total loss as to what aspects of your home need maintenance or repair. Maybe you’ve never concerned yourself before with chimney upkeep or even thought about cleaning out the dryer vent. If this applies to you, feel free to call us at Apex Air Duct Cleaning and Chimney Services for help! Look no further for “chimney service near me”; we are happy to discuss all our available services and what you need to keep your home in Holmeson, NJ comfortable, clean, and safe.

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